
Embracing Love Cross Adornment


Embracing Love Cross Adornment


Mother’s love is as a garden gate, surrounding and protecting her children. The garden gate’s iron fence posts with its fleur-de-lis tips guard access to the garden, as a mother guards the hearts and minds of her children.Purpose: Use this gift to show appreciation to Mom or Grandmother on her birthday, on Mother’s Day, as an encouragement to Mom after a difficult day, to say I’m sorry, and as Congratulations to expectant Mothers-to-be.

This design comes in an Adornment size of 3″ in a generic package that on the back panel has Scripture: The Lord bless you and keep you: The Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you. The Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace. – Numbers 6:24-26 (Scripture printed on back panel of package)

Item# C3EL

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